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Student Fee Transparency

Self-assessed fees refer to student fees that at one time were brought before the student body for a vote, and were passed. Because these fees were previously put in place by students, it is important that students can also be certain how their fees are being used. In the spirit of government transparency, these pages detail the revenues and expenditures of the self-assessed fees currently paid by UL Lafayette students. These pages also include the original referendums that were passed by past student bodies.

When reviewing these pages, keep in mind that some departments sometimes get funding from other accounts, like a reserve account.

Feel free to submit any questions to for any extra information or clarification.

Student Fee Pages

University Art Museum

Auxillary Improvement 

Band Association

Cheerleaders and Ragin' Jazz Spirit Groups

Club Sports

SGA Child Development Center

Speech and Debate Team

Student Health Services 

International Student Council


La Louisiane


L'Acadian Yearbook

Masterplan Advancement Program

Performing Arts Theater

Police Department

Recreational Sports Facilities & Equipment

SGA Scholarship


Student Insurance

Student Loan

Student Union Fees

Southwestern Review Book Fee

Performing Arts Music

Transportation Services

Entertainment Fee (UPC)
