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Student Loan

-The Student Loan fee was established to provide for emergency loan assistance through the short-term loan program. The short term loan program is currently administered by the financial aid office.

Financials for the 2018-2019 Student Loan Fee

Student Loan FundREVENUESTuition and Fees  
   Student Loan Fee-Fall7,398.72
   Student Loan Fee-Spring6,661.44
   Student Loan Fee-WI105.60
   Tuition & Fees-Allowance Adj472.90
   Tuition & Fees-Prior Semesters(0.50)
   Student Loan Fee-SI145.92
  Tuition and Fees Total 14,784.08
  Other Operating RevenuesInterest on Loans302.72
  Other Operating Revenues Total 302.72
  Nonoper Rev-Net Inv Income (Loss)Interest from Checking Accts9,959.40
  Nonoper Rev-Net Inv Income (Loss) Total 9,959.40
  Nonoper Rev-OtherLate Charges-Noncurrent122.94
  Nonoper Rev-Other Total 122.94
 REVENUES Total 25,169.14
 EXPENDITURESOther ChargesStudent Loan Writeoffs(19,903.61)
  Other Charges Total (19,903.61)
 EXPENDITURES Total (19,903.61)


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